Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 3 weigh in and update!

This weeks weight: 246.8!

I've been dealing with some medical problems so I haven't been to the gym or been up for much of any exercise. Plus I'm in the "losing inches instead of pounds" phase. Yes, I'm making excuses as to why I didn't lose 10 pounds this week lol. I've discovered the harder I push myself, the harder it is to heal properly. So, I'm taking it easier than I have been.

One of the cool things that happened this week, is I decided to do some runs this spring. I will be doing a Challenge Obesity run with my local weight loss support group friends and then I'm going to do the Color Run with a bunch of friends. I'm super don't even know. In a month I'm going to start the couch to 5k program so that I can learn how to run. One of my "skinny bucket list" things is to do a mud run...I will get there...but this is a great first step!

I know there's more I want to write...but I think I'm going to pass out. SO! Until next time folks!

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